Teaching and Learning Strategies In handling the kids the Classroom


On Saturday morning, 28 September 2019 (28 Muharram 1441 H), teachers from three branches of Full Day Bureau of DaQu Schools (Tangerang, Kalibata City, and Semarang), had a golden opportunity of attending the teachers’  Workshop in developing Teaching skills through Inquiry and Differentiated Instructions, held by Daarul Quran Training Center (DTC).

The welcoming speech was given by The Head of Full Day Bureau of DaQu Schools,  Mr. Lalan Sholahuddin, M.Ag. He emphasized the importance of teachers in upgrading their skills and competency in answering the challenges of the 21st century education.  Speaking in the occasion was also Mr. Kupmin Rambe, the Head of Daarul Quran Training Center (DTC). He was glad that many teachers came though the workshop was held on the weekend.

Speakers of the workshop were Mr. Danang Hidayatullah, M.Pd and Ms. Lies Utami, M.Pd,  from IGI (Ikatan Guru Indonesia—Indonesian National Association of Teachers). They are also teacher trainers at Binus Simrpug School Jakarta, in which  they have served their dedication for more than twenty years in the school.

Mr. Danang Hidayatullah, M.Pd started his workshop by giving his analogy that teachers now no longer serve as the only source of information, but also as facilitators and inspirational source for their kids.

While Ms. Lies Utami, M.Pd,  from IGI stated that different kids need different approach. The only aim that is expected by educators is that all kids in the same classroom reach out the same learning objective although they may have different ways to reach it. It was an enlightening moment for all educators who attended the session.


By: Mr. Darmawan Mufti (Teacher at SD Daarul Quran Kalibata City)