Five Continents Dream


by Tarmizi As Siddik, Chairman of Daarul Qur’an


One of the result of Tahfizh Daarul Qur’an Boarding School’s leaders meeting in 2014 at Hotel Siti has become a big dream of Daarul Qur’an; a dream to build boarding schools in 100 provinces, 100 cities, and five continents.

This dream came from discussion between me, Ustadz Jameel and Ustadz Sani, at Kyai Yusuf Mansur’s house.

At that time, Me with a couple of friends were proposing a few ideas for our one year program plan, which to concentrate to build 10 boarding school in five years. Every year, Daarul Qur’an should be able to build one or two boarding school.

During the discussion, Kyai Yusuf gave us an enexpected challenge: to build 100 boarding schools.

“There are no difference whether we build 10 or 100 boarding schools. It requires the same level of energy and thoughts. It will also require the same level of hard work and commitment. It will be better if we build more (boarding schools),” said Kyai Yusuf. “We should create a bigger goals and think about bigger dreams. We will be able to build 100 boarding schools, not 10. Bismillah!

At that time, the three of us looked each other, then smiled while reading basmalah. After that, prayed together led by Kyai Yusuf.

From the discussion, the program called “It’s All About One Hundred” was initiated. Then gradually, another program such as Program Pembibitan Penghapal Al Qur’an (PPPA – a program to read and memorize Qur’an for children), Pesantren (boarding school), and Daarul Qur’an Bisnis Nusantara (DBN) were also start to improve their programs.

PPPA Daarul Qur’an, with its program called “Kampung Qur’an” has started to take place in some area, giving support for education, mentoring the poor, helping disastrous area, and reaching remote areas. Thousands of Rumah Tahfizh has been built, both in Indonesia and overseas.

PPPA Daarul Qur’an has also succeed on making it’s independent program, such as: Klinik Daqu Sehat (healthcare), Daqu Agrotechno (agricultural technology), and Qurban Istimewa(Idl Adha program). It is an achievement to see how PPPA Daarul Qur’an started to help people to reach their economic potential, that could be maximized to embody the dream of Daarul Qur’an. These three empowered institution has started to transform, both financially or management.

Beside that, Tahfizh Daarul Qur’an boarding school and DBN were operating side by side to maximize the ecomomic potential within the boarding schools. Some business units were established to fulfill student’s and employee’s needs. The external business units which aims to sustain the boarding schools’ needs such as Paytren, Daqu Travel, Aquado and Hotel Siti are also developing.

On the other hand, Pesantren Tahfizh Daarul Qur’an also keep to works on both on it’s internal governance and management so that it could produce high quality graduates who can compete globally.

On 5th of July this year, Daarul Qur’an turn 14 years, a tender age to pursue every dreams as stated by our teacher Kyai Yusuf. There are still long journey to reach that dreams and aspirations, which Kyai Yusuf has always been fully supported.

I remember, when celebrating 10th anniversary of PPPA Daarul Qur’an on April 2016, Kyai Yusuf in his usual motivating manner, told the three of us (me, Ustadz Jameel and Ustadz Sani) to change the anniversary theme which was written “10 years Daarul Qur’an, Real for Indonesia”. Ustadz Jameel was asked to change the word “Indonesia” with the “World”. Ustadz Jameel straightly got into chair which held by me and Ustadz Sani to change the letters himself.

Dream Daarul Qur’an (Daqu), Dream five continents, Dream Indonesia, are our dreams. Why?

covermajalahAprilBecause it is our dream when Indonesia produces generation of Qur’an hafizh (memorize Qur’an) who works in every fields, both in public or private sectors. It is our dream that Indonesian education institutions could be established throughout the world, with Indonesia being the center of the learning, where people around the world aspire to go. Also it has become our dream that in the future, Indonesia led by more amanah (accountable) and responsible leaders to create prosperity to its people.

In this 14th anniversary of Daarul Qur’an, please pray for us, pray for Daarul Qur’an, pray for other institutions to bring more beneficial for community and ummat.
