Leader’s Prayer  


God also granted it. Moses and Aaron went hand in hand on the da’wah road. The duty to be laid out and a king of great power. Aaron’s presence folded the Staff of Moses, one of the other miracles. Until finally managed to overcome the debate and the fight.

A similar prayer has also been offered by the Prophet at the beginning of his da’wah. At this moment we are trying, with the Messenger of Allah (may Allah be pleased with him) climbing up the prayer, “O Allah, glorify Islam with one of the two men whom You love more: Umar ibn al-Khattab or Abu Jahl bin Hisham”.

The strong man of the Quraysh. Rasulullah sure if one successfully convert to Islam then this will be a good syiar as well as will strengthen da’wah. So Umar bin Khattab was chosen by Allah to accompany Muhammad. Since then, by Allah’s permission of course, Islamic da’wah increasingly open and unstoppable.

The two fragments above give the wisdom of a leader is a person who understands the shortcomings. Moses realized he was a good man. So to rob an applicant needed a person who is also great in dialectics. So is Muhammad, who needs a strong man to complete his puzzle pieces.

The leader of a person who is powerless and can pat a chest at will. The leader is also not a versatile person and feels himself can conquer the world. Separate leader of the person who realizes his inadequacy and chooses the right person to equip himself.

From Rasulullah saw also we see about reading someone’s character. He once prayed for Abdullah Ibn Abbad, “Allah, give him the understanding of religion and the Qur’an” later recorded Abdullah Ibn Abbas is known as an expert on hadith, commentator, jurisprudence. He became the reference of many people and even the older companions of him.

The leader’s prayer is a prayer of kindness. So Allah rebuked Moses when he said, “Ana a`lam al-qaum” (I am the smartest person in this country). At a glance what Moses said to be perfectly acceptable to him at that time was a well-known and powerful Pharaoh. However, Allah swt looked over Moses. Moses was then rebuked and learned through a Prophet Khidr. It is not enough that Allah swt aligned the Prophet Moses with his progressive prayer, “Rabbi zidni` ilman” (Oh Allah added to me knowledge).

That is, the prayer of the leader is a merciful prayer. He does not give priority to prayer instead of the leader’s prayer is the prayer that moves who he leads. His mission is to bring success to others rather than himself.

The event message delivered by KH. Ahmad Jameel some time ago, “Our success is how to make way for others”