Stay Over Program (Mabita) of SD Daarul Quran Kalibata City


On Friday and Saturday, August 30-31, 2019 (1st Muharram1441 Hijriah), students of SD Daarul Quran Kalibata City had a Stay Over Program or better known as Mabita Program.  After the Mabita they also had to join the carnival around the Kalibata City apartment to allow the public to know the draught victims suffering in Bekasi Area.

The program has the purpose of increasing students’ knowledge on Islamic values through communal living, in which the boys and the girls had to share the facilities available at school with their friends who also had to sleep at school together.

At the same time a fund raising program to help the victims of draught in Bekasi Area was held and it has raised money as much as 750,000 rupiah. All grade 2,4,6 students of Daqu Kalibata City participated in the carnival, and the donation collected will help reduce their suffering.

According to Dominique Cristabel D.S., a student of Grade 6 of SD Daqu Kalibata City, this staying over program of welcoming Muharram combined with the fund raising carnival is really unforgettable since now they can understand the sufferings of other people.

“We now can hear and understand what is really happening to other people in our own country. Previously I don’t really watch the news, since I have been too busy doing my HW and study my lessons.  Now I understand that we also have to pay attention to people who are not as lucky as we are,” said Malika Kirena Daud, another grade six student, enthusiastically.

According to Mr. Fatkhurohman, S.Pd.I,, the Principal of SD Daqu Kalibata City Jakarta,  the Mabita program is part of the annual program of character building for students, especially in developing their independency as children, and also to develop their comprehension on the importance of Hijrah in the course of the history of Islam.

Hijrah event that was done by Prophet Muhammad SAW and his companion Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq, from Mekkah to Madinah in the year 622 is an important turning point for Islam’s glorious propagation around the world.

Donation of books, clothes, and toys was also given to the orphanage foundation for the orphan children as Muharram is also known as “the Month of the Orphans.”