The 2017 Daqu Kalibata City Edutainment Program: Expressing Students’ Skills And Talents As A Way To Create Public Branding


On Saturday, December 16, 2017, in accordance with 27th Rabiul Awwal 1439 Hegira, located in Sakura Basketball field, Kalibata City Apartment, South Jakarta, a spectacular event was held by the Daycare, Playgroup, Kindergarten, and Primary School of Daarul Quran Kalibata City Jakarta. It has the purpose of showing students’ skills and talents as a way to create public branding and public awareness of the school’s existence. The program’s name was The 2017 Daqu Kalibata City Edutainment, where students’ performances, competitions, and shows were held. The program was held in concurrence with the commemoration of the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) or known as Maulid Nabi, as it was still the month of Rabiul Awwal.

The audience was totally amazed when they were watching students’ performances such as reciting the Holy Quran, traditional dancing, Daqu Kindergarten marching band, Sholawat (praising the Holy Prophet Muhammad), fashion shows by the Daqu kids, and there was also speeches on the life of the prophet Muhammad by SD Daqu students conveyed in English without any handheld texts.

While there were students’ performances and competitions, there was also a display of student’s works.  There are four reasons for the school to exhibit student’s works and their skills as well, they are:

  1. Increase Student Engagement – Students felt great ownership of their work because they wanted to make a difference and they knew their work would have an audience beyond their teachers.
  2. Promote a Shared Instructional Vision Among Staff Members – The energy level was through the roof at the exhibition. Not only were students and parents energetic, but teachers and administrators were incredibly enthusiastic. They were appropriately proud of their students.
  1. Parents’ support to school will increase – Exhibitions of substantive student projects help parents make this distinction. Furthermore, because of this exhibition, parents are more likely to support our school for changes in state assessments and accountability.
  1. Experience the Joy of Teaching and Learning – Exhibitions are hard work, but they are also joyful. In an era of high technology use, exhibitions provide teachers and students with the joy of teaching and learning.


Presence in this joyful occasion, Chairman of Daarul Quran Foundation, Mr. H. Ahmad Jameel, Head of Full Day Bureau, Mr. H. Sukman Hermawan, Principals of Daqu Primary School and Kindergarten, Mr. Abdul Wahid Basyir and Mrs. Haimah, M.Pd. Representative from Rawajati Municipality and Early Childhood Education (PAUD) Department of the Indonesian Ministry of Education as well as parents and local leaders.


In his welcoming speech Mr. H. Ahmad Jameel stated that the responsibility of educating the children has become a common duty for everyone involved, such as teachers, parents, the society, and school founders. Therefore, it is a noble duty for everyone to educate the young Indonesian generation to become future leaders.

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