The First Ever Iedul Qurban Commemoration and the Sacrifice of goats by the big family of Daarul Quran Kalibata City


On Tuesday morning, August 13, 2019 (12 Zulhijjah 1440 H), students of DaQu Kalibata City came to school to witness the sacrifice of goats (Iedul Qurban) by the school staffs. As many as sixteen goats and two cows have been slaughtered, and the meat has been fairly distributed among the needy in the Kalibata surroundings and also for the school staffs. This was the first ever Iedul Qurban Commemoration and the Sacrifice of goats held by the big family of Daarul Quran Kalibata City.

Historically, at the end of the Hajj (annual pilgrimage to Makkah), Muslims throughout the world celebrate the holiday of Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice).

During the Hajj, Muslims remember and commemorate the trials and triumphs of the Prophet Ibrahim Alaihissalam. The Qur’an describes Ibrahim AS. as follows:

“Surely Ibrahim was an example, obedient to Allah, by nature upright, and he was not of the polytheists. He was grateful for Our bounties. We chose him and guided him unto a right path. We gave him good in this world, and in the next life he will most surely be among the righteous.” (Qur’an 16:120-121)

One of Ibrahim’s main trials was to face the command of Allah to slaughter his one and only son. Upon hearing this command, he prepared to submit to Allah’s will. When he was all prepared to do it, Allah revealed to him that his “sacrifice” had already been fulfilled. He had shown that his love for his Lord superseded all others, that he would lay down his own life or the lives of those dear to him in order to submit to Allah.

During the celebration of Eid al-Adha, Muslims commemorate and remember Ibrahim’s trials, by themselves slaughtering an animal such as a sheep, goat, cow, or buffalo. This action is very often misunderstood by those outside the faith.

According to Mr. Fatkhurohman, S.Pd.I, the Principal of Daarul Quran Kalibata City Primary School, the qurban event has to be held at school for the purpose of enabling children to understand the significance of this annual event.
Allah has given us power over animals and allowed us to eat meat, but only if we pronounce His name at the solemn act of taking life. Muslims slaughter animals in the same way throughout the year. By saying the name of Allah at the time of slaughter, we are reminded that life is sacred.

According to the Head of Primary School Department, Mr. Abdul Wahid Basyir, SH.I, he said that the meat from the sacrifice of Eid al-Adha is mostly given away to others, mostly the poor people. One-third is eaten by immediate family and relatives, in this case were the school staffs. One-third is given away to friends, and one-third is donated to the poor. The act symbolizes our willingness to give up things that are of benefit to us or close to our hearts, in order to follow Allah’s commands. It also symbolizes our willingness to give up some of our own bounties, in order to strengthen ties of friendship and help those who are in need. We recognize that all blessings come from Allah, and we should open our hearts and share with others.

On the first morning of Eid al-Adha, Muslims around the world attend morning prayers at their local mosques and open fields. Prayers are followed by visits with family and friends, and the exchange of greetings. At some point, members of the family will visit a local

mosque the slaughter of an animal. The meat is distributed during the days of the holiday or shortly thereafter to the poor and the needy.

Muslims honor and respect the Prophet Ibrahim AS. The Quran describes him as “a man of truth, a prophet” (Quran 19:41). Many aspects of Islamic worship, including pilgrimage and prayer, recognize and honor the importance of the life and teachings of Prophet Ibrahim AS. (dm-kalcit).