Kuwait Ulema Visits Daarul Quran Islamic Boarding School


On Sunday, 8th November 2015 at 5 pm, the students of Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) Daarul Quran are in line making a cordon from the Pesantren’s gate to the terrace of the An-Nabawi Mosque to welcome the visit of a special guest that afternoon. When the guest arrives, the students of Daqu peal salawat Badar accompanied by marawis (a Betawian art consisting of drumming and chanting).

It is Syeikh Tareq Al Suwaidan, M.Sc., Ph.D from Kuwait who becomes the special guest for Pesantren Daqu Tangerang. In addition to being the Leader of Kuwait Islamic Brotherhood, the Syeikh who has studied in the United States of America since he was seventeen years old is a well-known figure in the world through one of his works entitled Encyclopedia of Jews.

The visit of the alumnus from Pennsylvania State University, the USA, is directly welcome by KH. Yusuf Mansur, the chairman of Pesantren Daarul Quran, accompanied by Ustadz Slamet Ibnu Syam, the principle,  who wait for him at the gate. They escort the Syeikh to walk around the Pesantren. The program is continued by praying Maghrib together in the An-Nabawi Mosque led by KH. Yusuf Mansur.

Having finished Maghrib prayer, the Syeikh delivers a speech in front of the students and teachers of Daqu to motivate them, interpreted by Ustadz Slamet Ibnu Syam. The ulema who has lived in the USA for 22 years does not want to say something about religion an sich because, in his opinion, it has been taught to the students. Since he faces young very students, he just tells a story taken from his book about Andalusia country.
The story tells about Ahmad ibnu Abi Amir, a young boy who works as a courier, riding a donkey to deliver goods. He says to his two friends who live in the same hut that he wants to be the leader or caliph in Andalusia. Both of them laugh and say to him, “Don’t dream!” He does not care whatever his friends say. He then leaves his job and enroll to be a policeman. Due to his faith, perseverance, hones and intelligence, he finally becomes a caliph in Andalusia.

The students are enthusiastic in listening to the inspiring story that motivates young generation to have a vision or avidity to maintain their faith in Allah. In Syeikh Tareq’s opinion, an Islamic leader should have three elements: faith, intelligence, and courage.

Before the Syeikh says good-bye, KH. Yusuf Mansur hands over a souvenir of the miniature of the An-Nabawi Mosque Pesantren Daqu Tangerang and asks for prayer from him hoping that Daarul Quran can produce many leaders who have memorized Al-Quran.[aros]