Kalibata City Primary School Fieldtrip to Cisarua Safari Park, Bogor


A Direct and vivid experience for students to know the wild fauna in their own habitat


Nowadays children need to be given real life experience in order to allow them to know the outside world where they live, especially in understanding the need to conserve the endangered species. They will have a better sense of caring on knowing that these endangered animals will only be studied through pictures and recorded videos if the illegal hunting keeps on occurring. Finally our descendants will only observe these beautiful creations from Allah SWT through photos and videos as they will become extinct in the near future. It is our duty to conserve their existence as Muslims.

safari field tripTherefore, on Wednesday, August 30, 2017, SD Daarul Quran Kalibata City  (Kalibata City Primary School Jakarta) had a fieldtrip to Cisarua Safari Park, Bogor. As many as eighty students and twenty teachers and staffs had the opportunity to witness the grace of the Almighty Allah’s creations through a fantastic and an unforgettable bus tour. Animals like tigers, lions, leopards, cheetahs, jaguars, pumas, bearcats, grizzly bears, sun bears are some of the carnivorous ones found in the park.

While the herbivorous ones, such as giraffes, zebras, wildebeest, oryxes, Sumatran elephants, orangutans, chimpanzees, tapirs, anoa, bisons, and many others, live in harmony as they share the same type of food, such as grass, leaves, fruits, and vegetables. Many visitors had the chance to give these animals food through their car’s window which is actually this is not allowed by the Safari Park management.


Students also had the opportunity to watch the dolphin show, the sea lion show, the birds of prey show, the exotic macaw birds, trained dog show, and the binturong, a huge civet like nocturnal that walk above the heads of our students graciously.

“This is a good opportunity for our students to understand the need to conserve these endangered animals as they are our most precious assets in our natural environment,” said Mr. Abdul Wahid Basyir, the Principal of  SD Daarul Quran Kalibata City  when asked about the purpose of the fieldtrip.

“I learned a lot from this school’s Fieldtrip to Cisarua Safari Park, Bogor. As students we need to realize the importance to maintain the existence of our flora and fauna as they are the ones that balance our nature,” said Bimo Adi Nugroho, a grade 6 student who was so amazed to be able to visit the park with his friends. (DM-Kalcit)


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