A Constructive Way to Introduce a Healthy Living Standard


By: Mr. Darmawan M. (Language Coord. of SD Daqu Kalibata City)

On Friday, October 27, 2017 (Safar 7, 1439 H), students of SD Daqu Kalibata City Jakarta had the opportunity to be checked individually by dentists from Kalibata Community Health Center (Puskesmas Kalibata) in order to develop a personal oral hygiene and to increase students’ awareness on healthy living standard.

According to Khairunnisa Mahddyah Najla of Grade 6, this activity is really beneficial to her friends since most of them are reluctant to take care of their own teeth. Some of her friends never brush their teeth before going to bed and very often they have toothache because of it. “My friends only come to see the dentist when they have toothache. They also don’t brush their teeth regularly. Regrets only come when they suffer from the agonizing pain of toothache”, said her enthusiastically.

During the individual checking of students’ teeth, there was also a public awareness campaign by the dentist on how to maintain a personal oral and dental health. Students listened carefully as the dentist was describing in detail the method on how to brush the teeth correctly and how to apply the correct amount of toothpaste.

According to Hazel Arya Syawalinov of Grade 6, now he realized that it is an important thing to do in the morning and before going to bed that everyone has to brush his or her teeth. “I will not forget to do it again, since personal care of our teeth is our own responsibility. We are going to have the National Examination and Cambridge CELA exam in 2018, definitely we need to have a healthy body as well as a healthy mind. This program is really useful for us”, said him happily.

Mr. Abdul Wahid Basyir, SHI., the principal, said that this program is going to be held on a regular basis at school so that students will develop a healthy way of life. “The only way we can develop our nation is by enhancing the national human resources, that is, by developing our healthy living standard”, said him eagerly.





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