On May 3-4, 2017, an event was held in Daqu Headquarters in Ketapang, Tangerang, West Java, in which teachers from the many branches of Daqu Schools around Java Island participated in various competitions such as Group Debate, Speech, Poetry reading, and the Smart ‘n Quick Competition (Lomba Cerdas Cermat).
The event was held for the purpose of enhancing the knowledge of Daqu educators so that they will be well equipped with the in-depth knowledge on Islam, especially in facing the challenges of the 21st century education.
According to mr. Rino Zeldeni, one of the leading participants in the Speech Debate and won the third place in the competition, a lot of things have changed ever since the coming of the internet age. Duat and Muslim preachers now have a heavier burden in informing the ummat the correct information about Islam since now hoaxes and prejudices on Islam are abundant in the mainstream media, said Mr. Rino who is also the Deputy Principal in charge of the Curriculum at Daqu Kalibata City, South Jakarta.
In the competition it turned out that all Daqu Kalibata City teachers who took part won a prestigious seat in the competition. “We won the Speech competition, the Smart ‘n Quick Competition and the Poetry reading competition. It has been an exhausting two day event, but we were so happy that finally our effort gained victory”, said Mr. Abdul Rozak who is actually an ICT teacher but is very eager to participate. “We only had a few hours before the match began and we hardly had enough time to sleep, but it was all paid off”, said Mr. Saepul Kodir who is an Islamic education teacher at Daqu Kalibata City.
“Our victorious participation in the Duat Competition has proven our capability in mastering not only the Islamic knowledge but also the global professional skill needed to answer the challenges of the millennium era”, said Mr. Abdul Wahid Basyir in welcoming his staffs who returned to school victoriously.
“We are not the best but we will always be trying to give the best service to ummat (the society)”, said Mr. Agusdian who is also an Islamic education teacher and won a place in the Poetry reading competition.
“We teachers can only expect that our students can follow our path in mastering knowledge, since it is compulsory to all Muslims to achieve it as ordered by our Prophet Muhammad pbuh”, said Mr. Dompi Suhadi, who is one of the team members of the Smart ‘n Quick Competition.

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