Darul Qur’an Memorization(Tahfizh) Boarding School will soon be at Tarakan


To answer Islamic Society of Tarakan huge needs of integral Islamic Education , Darul Qur’an will build its branch in Tarakan which is known as a city of “Panguntakan” The presence of Darul Qur’an signed by laying the very first stone, directly by its leader, KH. Ahmad Jameel, sunday (20/8).

The event also attended by Drs. Badrun, M.Si (North Borneo Province Secretary), Risky Farasandy, S.Ik, M.Ik ( Vice Commander of Police Resort of Tarakan) and H. Suharyo ( The Leader of Duha Society)

Darul Qur’an Boarding School will be built on 3,5 Ha, which is located around Bungawan Juata river, Tarakan, North Borneo. There will be dormitories, classrooms, and obviously a mosque as student-centre.

Alhamdulillah, soon Darul Qur’an will be available at Tarakan after such a long wait that journey finally came true. Our vision is to build 100 boarding schools in 100 cities in 5 continents” Ahmad Jameel said.

Ahmad Jameel also stated, the presence of Darul Qur’an may create as many “Huffazh” whom expected to color up Islamic Da’wah moderately and refreshingly.

Drs. Badrun, M.Si, who attended as representation of North Borneo Governor stated that The Govt will fully support the plan of Darul Qur’an Boarding School establishment which is hoped to bring positive effects in developing next generations.

“Insya Allah the government will help in building the infrastructure as the road access” he added.

The boarding will be available for thousand male-students (santri) and soon run its teaching and studying activity in 2019.
